260138 Votes.
runtime - 1 h 46 min.
Genre - Drama.
Scott Z. Burns
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Steven Soderbergh's "Contagion" is possibly the most realistic "virus outbreak" movie ever made. That's not to say it is the greatest, but it could've been. Compared to other films in the genre, say "I Am Legend. 28 Days Later" and its sequel, and Wolfgang Petersen's "Outbreak. Contagion" is the most downbeat, grim and most importantly, chilling of them all.
Soderbergh rounds up an all-star cast - Matt Damon, Marion Cotillard, Jude Law, Laurence Fishburne, Kate Winslet and Gwyneth Paltrow - as different characters intertwined with the pandemic - a storytelling method similar to Soderbergh's own "Traffic. It's just as gripping and effective here, as Scott Z. Burns' script leaves little room for dramatics and more on the effects of the pandemic, directly and indirectly.
While the actors do a credible job, notably Law, Winslet, Fishburne and Damon, some of their characters are underwritten. Had Burns wrote more dialogue, or Soderbergh kept more juicy dramatic scenes in, it would've been a classic. There were some really great scenes and really interesting questions posed - ethics of personal problems against responsibility, fear being more dangerous than the actual pandemic itself, questioning and accusing the government for taking financial advantage of the situation - yet these themes are scraped upon without going deeper. At least the atmosphere of the film is grim and chilling enough to be highly engaging.
On technical points, Cliff Martinez scores an excellent, tension-filled low-key electronic score that hits all the right notes at the right moments; Soderbergh (as Peter Andrews) frames the scenery perfectly (nice to see a movie in a long time that is all steady-cam and not shaky-cam) and gives some scenes an ominous feel about it. The editing is fluid and keeps the film moving coherently although the film is relatively slow-paced.
In short, as a thriller it is effectively creepy and disturbing and will no doubt leave some people paranoid for some time. But it could've been so much better. At least Soderbergh had the great idea of making this virus movie as realistic and close-to-home as possible, offering up a different and unique movie of its kind. Although if there was an extended cut needed for a movie, this one is it.
We're often told that some of the viral diseases like SARS and H1N1 are deadly and will kill us, but in truth the media's exaggeration of the danger scares people, and this causes fear. Too much fear is far more dangerous than any virus in the world because fear causes people to panic and thus do irrational things. I think this is the film's main point and for that it succeeds strongly.
Overall rating: 78/100.
All right, so the movie itself was pretty good. It had good emphasis on the overall problem throughout the movie (the virus) and exactly what different parts of the world were doing in order to obtain a true vaccine for it. Matt Damon and Laurence Fishburne's acting was played well. However, there's no evidence throughout the entire movie as to where the virus came from and how it originated. There is no real "enemy" during the entire film. It's just "the virus. The ending was really weak and doesn't give supportive evidence as to who discovered the cure and exactly how and what it is. It just comes along eventually, and boom, the whole world is back to normal. My your money and call it a rental.
I enjoyed the film but the ending left me deflated, still too many questions left unanswered, hate endings like this.
The Godfather