- Actor - Kelly McGillis
- writers - Warren Skaaren
- 7,4 / 10 stars
- info - Code-named "Maverick", Pete Mitchell, the impetuous daredevil Navy-pilot ace, is accepted into Miramar's elite Fighter School, also known as "Top Gun". There, as the impulsive pilot competes with the best of the best, not only will he meet Charlie, the flying school's curvaceous astrophysics instructor, but also the brilliant and highly competitive fellow student, "Iceman", with whom right from the start, he will engage in a reckless contest. As Maverick is haunted by his father's mysterious death, will he be able to suppress his wild nature to win the prestigious Top Gun Trophy?
- genre - Drama
- scores - 268859 Votes
Watch free full movie top gun. He hit the brakes and he flew right by. Finally a good reason to live for another year;D = Top Gun 2. Watch movie top gun free.
Waited too long for the sequel. Shoulda been done around 2006. Two young aircraft pilots are sent to Top Gun after saving their fellow buddy from crashing his aircraft. Top Gun is a school that trains the top one percent of pilots in the United States. Maverick is an expert pilot who flies with Goose, a great friend and a great pilot. Maverick fights against his rival Iceman and they battle for a trophy for best pilot. The outstanding actor in the movie was Tom Cruise who played Maverick. He acted like a dangerous bad boy with no limits. He had a fearless attitude towards everything, and Cruise nailed his role perfectly. Others actors such as Anthony Edwards (Goose) and Kelly McGillis (Charlie) acted well but didn't stand out as much as Cruise. Top Gun is a fun movie, but it's nothing more than a blockbuster rental. Adults will like the movie more than kids. The 110 minute movie might be too long for children and could bore them, and adults would appreciate the romance scenes more.
Seriously, why the hell did Tony Scott take a strole off a bridge. This was his movie to make RIP 😟.
Watch full movie top gun.
Watch free movie top gun.
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One of the least realistic, hokiest flying movies made. Anyone who knows anything at all about naval aviation will be groaning from the outset, especially during the inverted canopy-to-canopy sequence. Please! Where are the *tails* of the two aircraft supposed to be during this maneuver? Tucked away for safekeeping so as to not collide with one another?
Tom Cruise is so more than an actor, he knows how to make movies that feel real.
When I seen it top gun movie I even like the song in the movie I was the greatest movie ever. I like characters in this movie. Uh its was a blast and it looks so amazing ever very awesome film. I really enjoyed it very moment of the movie I really am huge fan of top gun movie I really think it is totally awesome ever and unique. I like the writer and producer artist storyline director and crew executive producer cast did a terrific job making this film super great job I love it very much. 👍. 33 years later and there is FINALLY a sequel. Im going to be waiting for the Fighter Pilot Podcast to do their breakdown.
Watch movie top gun. I HOPE THEY DONT RUIN THIS. I still remember watching this as a kid. It is never the machine, its the Man. Truer words have never been spoken. o7. This thing will be over in 2 minutes, get on it. 5 says this movie is going to seriously suck due to Inclusiveness and SJW propaganda. Watch Movie Top günstige.
Well you learn something new every day ! I always thought 'OK so the MiG's devised a way to defeat the Phantoms' missiles and get in close, and that's why they got shot down. but no, not at all. it was because after the blue on blue incident (no idea how they managed to get into that situation in the first place. command decided to make the pilots have to identify by eye before firing. I mean WT actual F? talk about throwing away your long range advantage in CASE you've targetted a would they be so far apart as to get misidentified anyway. Lazy & Coco coming soon. Watch Movie Top gun violence.
I saw this film when I was 12 years old. We were just entering high school and it was the talk of the year. We kept dancing the whole soundtrack (which is by far the best thing this movie has to give) the boys loved the plane scenes and Kelly McGillis and the girls loved Tom Cruise. That sums it up. The plot is of course awful and naive and if someone would like to find something deeper, it depicts the Cold War militaristic way of thought in the USA. But this is way too deep for this film. It's just a flick of 80's teenexploitation (early teens that is.
Watch the movie top gun. Tom Cruise, the definition of a MOVIE STAR. This bogey's all over me - do i have permission to fire. the Mig's behind him with missile lock 😂😂. Watch Movie toy guns. Watch top gun 1986 full movie.